Are. You. Kidding Me???


WOLVERINE CHAT NOTES FROM JANUARY 19, 2024: Hope you guys are excited as I am. We are definitely close. I received incredible info from various platforms saying they are just waiting to get the green light to receive funds. We will be celebrating any time! If we should go today, we will not get funds released till next week. D1 is done. D2 hoping to get done today. Nesara should be happening around Sunday, and hopefully we will get announcement at that time of the Medbeds! Mauricio is under NDA. Lawyer said the funds are to be released in Reno. I want you to remain in faith. This is going to happen!

Do they even know what D1/D2 actually is?

Member: Good morning Mark. Any word on any Whales being paid or on any NDA’s???

MZ: I am hearing a ton about it but have not been able to verify anything. I have talked to a number of them and they have great expectations and are expecting payments very soon. They have been told they will have a “iron clad NDA”

MZ: I think that is their way of saying “when I can’t say anything” that this means they have funds and NDA’s signed. But, they are still talking right now. I know this disagrees with some gurus on the boards. But these are the facts I have from people involved.

Also lets talk about bond holders moment, bondholders they’ve been waiting just like we have to get access to funds. They’ve been waiting and they should receive something in about 48 hours from this afternoon. Let’s call it Saturday – sometime – they should be receiving emails – that give them access to funds – it might be immediate – Or they might have another date on it.

But I think this last email that they’re expecting for tier three bond holders, or bonds sellers to be more accurate, should have a lot of them know what is in their accounts  – some of them can see what’s in their accounts, and they’ll be able to get access to 10% of their total With this next email that’s coming probably Saturday, it was set in 48 hours from that was earlier this afternoon today. So that’s really good news for them.

And today, there was — it’s really interesting — from 11 o’clock to a little bit like quarter after two today, Eastern Time, there was a quote unquote final conference call, bringing up all the information and protocols that the redemption centers needed. To have is sort of a it is more or less a call that answer questions literally could answer could ask and answer questions. This was generated from Treasury at Wells Fargo to the redemption centers around I’m gonna say US –

FYI: I’m a Tier 3 bond holder. This is pure BS.

How can anyone tolerate this crap?