Buckle Up World! We’re in for a Banking Bloodbath


Not a doomsday prophecy, but a heads-up for a financial challenge like we’ve never seen.

There’s a white-knuckle ride developing in the banking world. Thanks to our government’s love for spending like a drunken sailor, we’re moving headlong towards a financial free-fall. This isn’t some half-baked theory, it’s a red alert from a highly successful, $254 million hedge fund leader.

I foresee an energy crisis, entwined in a banking crisis, swallowed by a fiscal and monetary crisis.

Harris Kupperman, CEO Praetorian Capital Management

Why should you care?

This is a serious warning from Harris Kupperman, the big cheese of Praetorian Capital Management.  His investment fund skyrocketed over 658% net of fees from its inception in 2019 through to Q2’s end. Now that’s a track record that screams ‘listen up’!

“I foresee an energy crisis, entwined in a banking crisis, swallowed by a fiscal and monetary crisis. This will birth epic opportunities, laced with risk and seismic volatility,” he prophesizes.

The Three-Headed Monster

Here’s the point: Kupperman predicts a fiscal crisis thanks to our government’s spending spree, a banking crisis because our financial institutions are up the creek without a paddle, and an energy crisis because energy demand is outrunning supply.

He forecasts the 10-year US Treasury’s yield will rocket to 6% in the next year, which, in his words, “annihilates a lot of things in terms of businesses.”

These looming crises will shake up our financial world like a snow globe.

Contributing articles:  https://www.businessinsider.com/economy-outlook-banking-crisis-energy-uranium-oil-prices-investing-kupperman-2023-8