Category: BRICS
Malaysian Currency Now On RV Path in BRICS Gold-Backed Alliance
Prime Minister Declares Strategic Intention to Join BRICS Alliance which would lead to a significant RV of the Malaysian Ringgit (MYR).
RV UNLEASHED: How the Indian Rupee will RV by 4,708% in the New Gold-based Currency System
If you want to know how RV exchange rates are likely to be calculated, you must read and understand this unique formula.
A Look Under the Hood of the Gold-backed BRICS Currency
This is the structure for a substantial RV of globally weaker currencies against the US Dollar, Euro, Yen and other major Fiat Debt System currencies.
Pandora’s Box Opened: Russia and Iran Forge New Pathways to Avoid US Dollar and SWIFT
The Future of Global Trade Without the US Dollar. Inside the World’s Largest Non-Dollar Financial Initiative.
Game Over: India Gives US the Middle Finger in Major Coal Deal with Russia
BRICS scores big! US influence and dominance is decaying rapidly. India’s surprising alliance with Russia changes everything.
RV/GCR Heading to the Launchpad: Prepare for a Currency Reset
BRICS’ new currency will launch a global REVALUATION and challenge RESET the financial system once and for all.