Category: Digital Finance & Tech
New BRICS Currency and Increasing Western Sanctions is a Global Reset in Progress
Western sanctions are fueling de-dollarization, with BRICS nations leading efforts to challenge the U.S. dollar. A gold-backed BRICS currency could trigger a Global Currency Reset. Will the summit mark the end of dollar dominance and the rise of a new financial order?
RV/GCR Currency Exchanges in a Digital Payment System
If you’ve ever wondered about currency exchanges in the QFS and how it could work … this episode is for you. Now available on YouTube and Rumble.
Trump, Bitcoin, and Returning to a Gold Standard: Here’s What You Need to Know
Trump vs. the Federal Reserve: A Revolutionary Proposal for Bitcoin and Gold
Breaking Down the New BRICS Gold-backed Currency System in Detail
Learn about the construction, mechanics, benefits and real-world usage of this groundbreaking digital currency.
The BRICS UNIT: The Catalyst for a Revolutionary Global Currency Reset
WHY, HOW and WHEN the BRICS UNIT leads us to a groundbreaking gold-backed currency reset worldwide.
Endgame GCR Episode 2: Gold-Backed Currency Exchange Rates Revealed
In this unique episode of the Endgame GCR Podcast, Marie G and I break down the details of the new gold-backed financial and currency system soon to be unleashed on the world. We also discover a very exciting result that fulfills one of the primary goals of the RV/GCR.