Category: Financial System Crash

  • PAPSS Payment System and AfreximBank Paving Way to Pan-African De-Dollarized Sovereignty

    PAPSS Payment System and AfreximBank Paving Way to Pan-African De-Dollarized Sovereignty

    In a transformative effort, Africa’s financial landscape is undergoing a revolutionary shift, spearheaded by the African Import-Export Bank (AfreximBank) and its groundbreaking Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS). This visionary initiative is rapidly propelling the entire African continent away from its historical reliance on US dollars and towards a future where local African currencies take…

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  • ENDGAME (Part 2) – United States Drowning in Debt Tsunami

    ENDGAME (Part 2) – United States Drowning in Debt Tsunami

    As interest rates skyrocket and the United States careens towards a debt tsunami, shocking evidence reveals an alarming reality. With a record-breaking $652 billion in gross debt interest already accumulated in just nine months, the nation grapples with a 25% surge compared to the previous year. The Federal Reserve’s frantic attempts to rectify its past…

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  • The Connection Between Inflation, Financial Collapse and Our GCR

    The Connection Between Inflation, Financial Collapse and Our GCR

    Despite constant attempts to prop up the system through Central Bank policy interventions, the built-in doom loop of fiat currency debt systems literally guarantees their inevitable collapse. The stability of our global fiat currency debt system relies on a constant erosion of the value of money. It’s called INFLATION and it’s typically presented by mainstream…

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  • ENDGAME (Part 1) – United States Plunging Headlong into Financial Debt Disaster

    ENDGAME (Part 1) – United States Plunging Headlong into Financial Debt Disaster

    The United States is hurtling towards a catastrophic financial debt disaster, as shocking evidence reveals a deepening crisis. With soaring interest rates, record-breaking interest payments, and the potential for debt servicing costs to surpass major government expenditures, the nation stands on the brink of a geo-economic collapse. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s dismissal of concerns only…

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  • GRADUALLY THEN SUDDENLY: The Death of the Fiat Currency System and Birth of Our GCR

    GRADUALLY THEN SUDDENLY: The Death of the Fiat Currency System and Birth of Our GCR

    The Fiat Currency Debt System is hurtling headlong into total collapse. It may start slowly at first, but as a series of financial stress points develop, a chain of events will accelerate into a sudden systemic crash. The recent demise of one Swiss and three US banks is just the tip of the iceberg. The…

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  • Has Anyone Checked the USA Mortgage Rate Lately?!!

    Has Anyone Checked the USA Mortgage Rate Lately?!!

    There’s the LIBOR to SOFR effect on USA Mortgage Rates! Wait a minute, wasn’t SOFR supposed to fix everything?

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