Category: Gold-Backed Currency
Realizing Humanity’s Financial Freedom: The Rise of a New Gold-Based Currency is Underway
Exploring the Revolutionary RV Potential of the BRICS Alliance’s New Gold-Backed Currency and Releasing a Global Financial Reset
A Look Under the Hood of the Gold-backed BRICS Currency
This is the structure for a substantial RV of globally weaker currencies against the US Dollar, Euro, Yen and other major Fiat Debt System currencies.
RV/GCR Heading to the Launchpad: Prepare for a Currency Reset
BRICS’ new currency will launch a global REVALUATION and challenge RESET the financial system once and for all.
Central Bank Gold RV Accounts Are Real: What Are They Planning?
Discover the Secret Tool Central Banks Might Use to Avert Financial Collapse. Perhaps Even a Total Money Reset.
How Historical Off-Ledger Gold is Funding a Gold-Backed RV/GCR
The untold GCR history of Operation Golden Lily (Yamashita’s Gold), Gold Treaties and Global Gold Trading Platforms
GCR Proof: Gold Replacing US Dollar in One Chart
If one subscribes to the thesis that the RV/GCR utilizes gold at its foundation, this one chart proves that it is happening now.