Category: IQD/VND/ZIM News
What Deleting the 3 Zeros Really Means for the Iraqi Dinar
In 2016, India made a sudden move. The government declared its 500 and 1,000 rupee notes invalid overnight.
Freeing the Dinar from the Official Rate: Obstacles and Solutions
Reading between the lines… is demonetization on the horizon? Source: Al-Alam Al-Jadid Newspaper [Translated to English] January 13th, 2024 – […]
Tales from an RV/GCR Road Warrior: My Personal ‘Exchange’ Stories
I wanted a destination and got a journey.
Why Iraq hasn’t Independently Revalued the IQD Higher (Part 2)
The question arises: why doesn’t Iraq simply re-peg the IQD at a higher rate, say $1.00/IQD, and potentially open the door for a more substantial revaluation?