Category: RV/GCR Info & Education
Bankster Boss Christine Lagarde Reveals Plan for Europe’s GREAT RESET
As this initiative progresses, it is crucial that We the People protect our sovereignty being sacrificed on the altar of progress and environmental concern.
BRICS Nations Contemplate De-Dollarization, Ripple’s XRP in the Mix?
The Irony of Choice: Will BRICS Nations Embrace a Western Crypto for Their De-Dollarization Dream?
Currency Rebellion: BRICS Preparing for Dollar Collapse
The plan for an asset-backed currency is moving from speculation to reality.
Will Debt Still Exist After a GCR Debt Jubilee?
The answer might surprise you.
Finally! This Guy Does Detailed Video on Exposing NESARA Truth!
All the info I wrote about last year that few wanted to read… Charlie Ward included.
Determining RV Currency and Bond Exchange Rates [Pt 2]
Practical Definitions and Scenarios Explaining Significant RV Exchange Rates in a Gold-backed and Fiat Currency Landscape.