Category: RV/GCR Info & Education
Determining RV Currency and Bond Exchange Rates
Everyone in the global halls of power know that the current fiat currency system is reaching its logical conclusion.
How to Accurately Think About Our RV/GCR Exchange Rates
Transitioning from ‘Holding Currency’ to ‘Holding Value’ Requires a Totally Different Financial Mindset.
Secret Bankers’ Club: The Untold Story of America’s Powerful Shadow Rulers
How a clandestine group of financial titans has reshaped democracy and public interest for their own gain.
Ready for Fiat System Collapse: Dutch Central Bank Admits Gold-Backed Currency Plan
Germany, France and Italy also prepared for new gold-backed currencies.
How I Understand the GCR Redemptions TIER Structure and Purpose
Trying to better understand the GCR tier structure reveals a complex blueprint for leveraging the hard value of our oldest treasures into a new currency system.
GCR Manifest Destiny: The Good Guy and Bad Guy Financial RESET Plans
The current global fiat currency system is on a collision course with collapse and two competing Resets plans are at the ready, awaiting manifestation.