Category: RV/GCR Info & Education
De-Dollarization: Will the QFS Replace the All-Powerful Eurodollar System?
The Eurodollar market isn’t a component of the global financial system. It IS the global financial system. Is this the true target for the QFS?
The Role of GCR Elders and Their Humanitarian Cause – Including BRICS
At the core of the Global Currency Reset initiative is a group unlike any other in the financial world: the Elders and strategic allies forming within BRICS.
An Objective Look at Potential Release Scenarios for a GCR
Imagine the reaction of people and businesses suddenly getting new notes from ATMs while emergency broadcasts declare the old banking and monetary system is gone.
Putin Talks U.S. Financial Suicide, De-Dollarization and the Rise of BRICS
“Current economic and financial strategies are leading the United States and the dollar down a path to self-destruction on the global stage.”
Part 2: Heroes, Banking Cabals and the GCR Revolutionary War
The struggle between Alliance heroes and the entrenched banking cabal doing battle over the structure of a new global financial system.