Category: RV/GCR Info & Education
The Great Taking: The Global Elite’s Plan to Take Everything from Everyone
Exposing the hidden financial end game where Central Planners take everything during a global fiat system collapse. The book “The […]
What is the New BRICS PAY Initiative?
Discover BRICS Pay: How will this transform the global trade and the balance of financial power?
New BRICS PAY System: How BRICS Will Reset Global Currency Power
The expanding BRICS strategy is squarely in view. Will a new currency and payment system catalyze the RV/GCR?
BRICS Expansion: 30 New Member Nations Says Vladimir Putin
Multidimensional agenda to include inter-bank cooperation and increasing the use of BRICS expansion national currencies.
BRICS Initiates Chinese Yuan’s Rise: JP Morgan Says Potential End for the US Dollar
Can the Yuan’s rise force the logical conclusion of the global fiat currency system?
BRICS Hits Brick Wall Trying to Dump the Dollar
Can’t we all just get along?