Category: RV/GCR Info & Education
From Stocks and Bonds to Cryptos and Gold: Perfect RV/GCR Storm 24 Already Here
Buckle up GCR-Land… If the first few days of 2024’s financial events are any indication of the rest of the year, it’s going to be game over.
10 Reasons For Gold Surpassing $10,000 Fiat Dollars By 2026
Got Gold? It’s the safest, historically proven asset completely independent and outside of the fiat financial system.
BRICS Now Dominates Global Oil, Gold and Energy Supplies
Now that most oil, energy, and gold resources are “BRICS Compliant”, the USD and global fiat currency system are facing extinction once and for all.
Gold, Oil, OPEC, BRICS+ … (and Iraq?)
Things are getting very interesting.
Trillions in Wealth Lost to the Hidden Fiat Tax – In One Chart (proof)
It’s going to get worse before it gets better. Are you prepared?
How the Global Banking Cabal Plans to Take Everything in Their Great Financial Reset
While we’ve all been watching the World Economic Forum (WEF) talking about how we will own nothing and be happy, the financial elitists have been executing a meticulously crafted plan. As many of us already know, the fiat currency debt system is reaching its logical conclusion. The global banking cabal also knows this. In fact,…