Category: RV/GCR Info & Education
What is the Secret Power of Gold You Were Never Taught in School?
Gold has a secret power. It has long been revered as a reliable store of value, especially in the context of fiat currency systems and never taught in school.
Introduction to the Ancient Language of Commerce and The Law of the Sea (Admiralty Law)
When researching the language of commerce through the lens of “The Laws of the Sea” (the origins and basis of […]
Law of the Sea: Glossary and Origin of Terms
The historical and symbolic significance of terminology used in the language of commerce and the Law of the Sea run […]
Admiralty Law (The Law of the Sea) and the Endless Cycle of Human Financial Servitude
The esoteric origins of Admiralty Law are rooted in the nefarious view of humanity as a recurring source of revenue through monetized servitude.
Exxon Gets Booted Out of Iraq!
Iraq is on a roll… the Western Alliance is loosing its grip.
How a Geopolitical and Economic Power Shift is Now Unfolding in the Middle East
The United States, China, and the BRICS Alliance are locked in an intense struggle for supremacy holding potential for a major economic power shift.