Category: RV/GCR Info & Education
RV/GCR Basics: Part 1 of How to Explain the RV/GCR to Friends and Family
The current fiat currency system is failing. The RV/GCR introduces currencies backed by tangible assets like gold and valuable commodities as a viable solution.
How to Rationally Explain the RV/GCR to Friends and Family
Are you struggling to explain the RV/GCR to friends, family, or even to yourself? Well, fear not! This ultimate guide will give you the rational tools you need.
Real-World Quantum Computing Powering the QFS and GCR
Real-world quantum computing is upon us as we inch closer to the QFS and the Our GCR. Here is an example for what would power this financial system shift.
A Real-World QFS Amidst an Imminent Fiat Currency Collapse
The global financial system is teetering on the precipice of collapse. Amidst this crisis, the QFS plays a critical role in a Global Currency Reset (Our GCR).
Why It’s Time to END the FED
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the cumulative rate of inflation between 1913 and 2021 is approximately 2,453%. It’s time to end the FED!
The Great Reset Vs. Our GCR: Understanding The Two Resets
Our fiat currency system is nearing collapse and there’s two Global Resets planned. Here’s what you should know about The Great Reset agenda from the Bad Guys.