Category: RV/GCR Info & Education
Peril of Fiat Currencies | A History Repeated
Money has undergone many transformations, evolving from tangible assets to the modern fiat currencies we use today. Yet fiat currencies are doomed to fail.
Introducing A Unique RV/GCR Roadmap
We are on the threshold of a global financial system transformation unlike any other. This RV/GCR Roadmap outlines events leading to Our GCR and more.
A Fiat Ponzi Scheme Collapse – Time for “System D”
A perilous game is being played—a fiat Ponzi scheme fueled by unsustainable debt, interventionist policies, and a financial system built on deceit.
We Are Racing Towards Inescapable Debt Trap And Default
The USA is approaching an imminent collapse of its fiat financial system. We are on the Titanic – a ship sinking into an inescapable debt trap and default.
Japanese Yen to be the First Currency to Collapse
A dangerous scenario around Japanese Yen (JPY) Carry Trades, once a profitable strategy, is now a ticking time bomb.
BRICS Alliance Forging Ahead with a Global Financial Revolution
As the 2023 BRICS Summit concludes, is there a new currency on the horizon? While it may not be happening as fast as we would like, it certainly appears to be moving forward.