Category: RV/GCR Info & Education
Kuwait Bogged Down in Rising Economic and Political Instability
The International Monetary Fund’s recent assessment shines a spotlight on both the risks and the potential for growth, unveiling a landscape of political gridlock, oil dependency, and a fervent quest for reform.
Look Who’s Officially Joining the Developing Big Boys’ Club!
Saudi Arabia, the oil-slicked Cinderella, just got a golden ticket to the economic Oscars. Imagine being a regular Joe, then getting invited to a secret society where Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos discuss world domination over whiskey. That’s Saudi Arabia right now.
Calls for Gold-backed Dollar on the Rise Across USA
Our GCR as an alternative currency system is gaining public awareness. Lawmakers on both the federal and state levels are championing gold and precious metals as a remedy.
BRICS Summit – No Gold-backed Currency Will Be Announced
BRICS is certainly exploring an asset/gold-backed common currency monetary system to divorce it’s allied members from US Dollar and fiat currency dependency. However, all of the prognosticators claiming that BRICS will “announce” a new common currency this week will be severely disappointed.
July Financial Figures Released – The US Government is Spending its Way Into a Total Monetary System Reset (GCR)
Our GCR continues to draw ever closer. As the days tick by, the United States government’s financial landscape has been a cause for concern, as its spending patterns have led to an escalating debt crisis.