Category: RV/GCR Info & Education
Checkmate (Part 1) – How the BRICS Gold Currency will Force USA/Europe to an RV/GCR
As a gold-backed currency gains traction in the BRICS nations and beyond, it becomes increasingly evident that the reliance on fiat currencies for trade and investment is unsustainable. The need for economic stability, interest rate certainty, and a sound monetary foundation will drive the US and Europe to seriously consider adopting their own gold-backed currencies.…
Ai3D Walks Into a Chicago Bar – Tells Bear’s Coach Mike Ditka about GCR & ZIM
The year is 2013: News about the Zimbabwe Currency Notes being the ultimate Dark Horse in the GCR landscape was going viral around the world. For quite a few years, I lived in downtown Chicago overlooking Millennial Park on Lake Michigan. One day, I was in a Bar/Restaurant with some buddies of mine and in…
The Connection Between Inflation, Financial Collapse and Our GCR
Despite constant attempts to prop up the system through Central Bank policy interventions, the built-in doom loop of fiat currency debt systems literally guarantees their inevitable collapse. The stability of our global fiat currency debt system relies on a constant erosion of the value of money. It’s called INFLATION and it’s typically presented by mainstream…
North Carolina Votes for Gold – Sound Money Movement Continues
North Carolina is the latest U.S. State to take up the charge towards sound monetary independence. As all of us in RV/GCR Land watch and wait for the logical conclusion of the Global Fiat Financial System, individual U.S. States continue on the path towards their own Gold Monetary Standards. Do the State’s fiscal and legislative…
The Truth About the IQD and NEER – What You Need to Know
Many RV/GCR Land rumor mills are leading us to believe that the NEER (Nominal Effecitve Exchange Rate) of the IQD is somehow an exchange rate crystal ball for an IQD RV. While NEER sounds esoteric and super technical, it is really quite simple to understand. Let’s get to the bottom of this, shall we?
Historical GCR Comics – Action Jackson and MacGuyver Tasked with Triggering the RV/GCR
The RV and NESARA have been delayed past the promised back wall of the Black Friday super-shopping day in the United States. Action Jackson and MacGuyver answer the call…