Category: RV/GCR Info & Education
GRADUALLY THEN SUDDENLY: The Death of the Fiat Currency System and Birth of Our GCR
The Fiat Currency Debt System is hurtling headlong into total collapse. It may start slowly at first, but as a series of financial stress points develop, a chain of events will accelerate into a sudden systemic crash. The recent demise of one Swiss and three US banks is just the tip of the iceberg. The…
IQD History: CBI Governor Speaks Publicly About Currency RV/RD in 2011
The year 2011 was truly and exciting time in Dinar-Land. The possibility of an RV of the IQD went hyperbolic when Dr. Shabibi, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq addressed direct questions on the possibilities of an RD/RV of the Dinar. Little did we know back then that we would still be here…
Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday and Clint Eastwood Decide to Exchange IQD/VND in Reno
RV/GCR Circa 2014: The internet continues to report that the RV and exchange of the IQD and VND is “imminent”. Then we are told that the “back wall” date for our exchange appointments has been delayed because of issues in Reno between the Chinese Elders and the Federal Reserve Bank. However, some western movie characters,…
Former Iraqi Prime Minister Abadi Discovers that Secret Codes are Required to Release the Iraqi Dinar RV
Circa 2015: Most of the Dinar Land RV gurus of the time were claiming that all that was left to do before we exchanged our IQD at a high rate was the entry of secret account liquidity codes by various GCR committee members, the US Treasury, “The Admiral” and the Central Bank of Iraq. Other…
GCR Fast Lane: A Likely Merger Between BRICS and The SCO
The convergence of the BRICS and SCO alliances, coupled with the potential launch of a gold-backed cross-border currency, presents a compelling case for the establishment of a global monetary system alternative to the US Dollar and sets the stage for a true Global Currency Reset (Our GCR).
FedNow Unleashed: A Sinister Creation in the Shadows of Our Financial Freedom
In a world where personal financial freedom is already under threat, a new player is emerging on the scene, ready to take control of our monetary exchanges. It goes by the name of FedNow, a real-time payment system developed by the U.S Federal Reserve. While some may see it as a revolutionary approach to banking,…