Category: RV/GCR Info & Education
A Look Under the Hood of the Gold-backed BRICS Currency
This is the structure for a substantial RV of globally weaker currencies against the US Dollar, Euro, Yen and other major Fiat Debt System currencies.
Basel 3 is Killing the US Dollar and Bankster Gold Price Manipulation
King Gold: How Basel 3 is setting the stage for a gold market revolution and devaluing the Fiat Curreny System.
RV/GCR Heading to the Launchpad: Prepare for a Currency Reset
BRICS’ new currency will launch a global REVALUATION and challenge RESET the financial system once and for all.
Will Elon Musk’s Starlink Go Public on a New Texas Stock Exchange?
Texas Stock Exchange Poised to Challenge Wall Street with Starlink IPO on the Horizon
Will Texas Exit the United States and Join BRICS?
Could Texas and BRICS Create A Gold-Backed Financial Future Beyond the Fiat Currency System?
Central Bank Gold RV Accounts Are Real: What Are They Planning?
Discover the Secret Tool Central Banks Might Use to Avert Financial Collapse. Perhaps Even a Total Money Reset.