Game Over: India Gives US the Middle Finger in Major Coal Deal with Russia


Is this the end of US dominance? India’s surprising and growing alliance with Russia changes everything.

In This Article:
  1. Russia and India’s Coal Deal through Iran
  2. Strategic Implications for the US
  3. The Role of the International North-South Corridor
  4. Future Prospects for Regional Trade

Russia has announced plans to export coal to India via Iran, signaling a significant shift in global alliances and trade routes.

This development, revealed during the BRICS transport ministers’ meeting at the 27th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), underscores the increasing challenges faced by the United States in maintaining its global influence.

Russia and India’s Coal Deal through Iran

Russia plans to utilize the International North-South Corridor (INSTC) to facilitate coal exports to India.

The new INSTC Railway route (red line) is far shorter than previous routes (blue line)

According to Igor Levitin, Russia’s presidential aide, the initial coal shipments will transit through Iran and Bandar Abbas before reaching India. Mehrdad Bazrpash, Iran’s Minister of Roads and Urban Development, highlighted the INSTC’s potential to enhance transportation and transit among BRICS countries, significantly boosting regional synergy.

Strategic Implications for the US

This coal deal between Russia and India represents a direct challenge to the United States’ authority on the global stage.

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As a staunch US ally, India’s decision to engage in significant trade with sanctioned Russia signals a growing reluctance among global nations to adhere to US directives. This shift could mark the beginning of the end for the US’s ability to unilaterally dictate international trade policies and alliances.

The Role of the International North-South Corridor

The INSTC is set to play a pivotal role in this new trade dynamic. In discussions with Iran’s Ambassador to Russia, Kazem Jalali, Levitin reiterated that the first coal wagons would transit through Iran, emphasizing the importance of the Rasht-Astara Railway construction project for improving transportation links between Iran and Russia.

Oleg Belozyorov, president of Russian Railways, discussed expanding bilateral cooperation with Iran to boost freight transport, further solidifying the INSTC’s critical role in regional trade.

Future Prospects for Regional Trade

In 2023, Russia transported 600,000 tons of freight through Iran. This volume is expected to rise to 4 million tons per year in 2024, according to Russia’s deputy minister of transport.

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This significant increase underscores the importance of the INSTC for regional trade and cooperation, indicating a shift towards more independent and self-sufficient trade networks among BRICS nations.

The Bottom Line

India’s agreement to a major coal deal with Russia, despite US sanctions, reflects a growing trend of global nations asserting their independence from US influence.

The use of the INSTC for this trade route highlights the strategic importance of new and emerging trade corridors in shaping future international relations.

As countries like India and Russia continue to forge new paths, the US’s dominance on the global stage faces increasing decay, signaling a potential realignment of geopolitical power dynamics.

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