Has the Second Round of USA Bank Failures has Begun?


Heartland Tri-State Bank (Kansas) taken over by FDIC and acquired by Dream First Bank.
  • On July 28, 2023, Dream First Bank acquired Heartland Tri-State Bank in Elkhart, Kansas.
  • Heartland Tri-State Bank will reopen as Dream First Bank on July 31, 2023.
  • Depositors of Heartland Tri-State Bank will automatically become depositors of Dream First Bank.
  • Over the weekend, customers can access their funds using checks, ATM, or debit cards.
  • Checks drawn on Heartland Tri-State Bank will continue to be processed.
  • Loan customers should continue making their payments as usual.
  • Heartland Tri-State Bank was determined to be insolvent by the Office of the State Bank Commissioner.
  • The Commissioner took charge of the bank’s properties and assets on July 28, 2023.
  • The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was appointed as the receiver for the bank.
  • The insolvency of Heartland Tri-State Bank was an isolated event and does not reflect the strength of the Kansas banking industry.
  • The main office of Heartland Tri-State Bank was located in Elkhart, Kansas, with branch locations in Attica, Arlington, and Rolla, Kansas.

SOURCE: https://www.osbckansas.org/dream-first-bank-acquires-heartland-tri-state-bank/