How Historical Off-Ledger Gold is Funding a Gold-Backed RV/GCR


The hidden GCR history of Operation Golden Lily (Yamashita’s Gold), Gold Treaties and Global Gold Trading Platforms

In This Article
  • Operation Golden Lily and the Discovery of Hidden Treasures
  • The Role of the Black Eagle Trust in Post-War Finances
  • Gold Treaties and Global Gold Trading Platforms
  • Repurposed Foundation for a Global Currency Reset (GCR)

The repurposing of historical off-ledger gold and illicit global trading platforms to fund a gold-backed RV/GCR is a complex story rooted in clandestine operations and an incredibly vast hidden wealth.

While this information is the subject of much conspiracy and debate, I will lay out the origins of this hidden, off-ledger gold, its secretive Bankster abuse, and its preparation to reset and replace the global fiat currency financial system.

Operation Golden Lily and the Discovery of Hidden Treasures

In 1944, Japan launched Operation Golden Lily, a covert initiative to plunder treasures from twelve Asian countries.

The Japanese military, led by General Tomoyuki Yamashita, systematically looted museums, banks, gold reserves, private art collections, and even sacred graves. The aim was to amass vast amounts of wealth to fund Japan’s military, political, and economic ambitions for the next thousand years.

The stolen treasures were hidden in complex tunnel systems and deep underground vaults across the Philippines. These tunnels were strategically located near landmarks such as hospitals, schools, churches, mountains, and waterfalls to evade detection.

However, as Allied forces advanced, particularly the United States, they managed to uncover these secret vaults, seizing billions in gold, platinum, precious gems, and cultural artifacts.

The Role of the Black Eagle Trust in Post-War Finances

Following the discovery of the hidden treasures, the United States established several secret funds to manage and utilize the seized assets.

The most notable of these was the Black Eagle Trust. Financed by the recovered Japanese plunder and Nazi war loot from Europe, this off-ledger trust became a cornerstone of a clandestine financial network and it was used for covert operations and influenced global political dynamics.

Two significant funds emerged from the Golden Lily treasure: the Yotsuya Fund and the M-Fund.

The Yotsuya Fund leveraged the vast wealth seized by the US military, while the M-Fund, named after Joseph Keenan, the chief prosecutor in the Tokyo war crimes trials, further utilized these resources.

The M-Fund played a crucial role in Japan’s post-war economy, supporting pro-US leaders and policies.

Gold Treaties and Global Gold Trading Platforms

The influence of the Golden Lily treasure extended beyond Japan.

After 1965, President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines emerged as a key figure in the saga. As a close ally of Washington, Marcos claimed a portion of the hidden gold, using CIA aircraft, US Air Force planes, and US Navy ships to move the gold discreetly across borders.

To manage the vast amounts of gold, intricate networks of offshore accounts and private gold treaties were established. Operatives like Severino Garcia Santa Romana, an OSS agent, played crucial roles in setting up these accounts.

Santa Romana’s network included 176 bank accounts spread across 42 countries, all operating under private Gold Treaty agreements. These accounts kept the assets hidden from public view and financial scrutiny.

The immense wealth associated with the Marcos Gold and the broader Golden Lily treasure catalyzed the development of global gold trading platforms.

These platforms allowed the global elite and military-industrial complex to wield unprecedented power.

One of the most notable initiatives was Project Hammer, a covert operation with macroeconomic objectives to leverage assets, including stolen World War II gold, to generate private profits and fund secretive projects.

Implications for a Global Currency Reset (GCR)

The history of off-ledger gold, hidden trading platforms, and secret funds have been repurposed for a Global Currency Reset (GCR).

As the current fiat currency system shows signs of strain and potential collapse, the idea of transitioning to a gold-backed financial system gains traction. The vast amounts of off-ledger gold, accumulated and managed through operations like Project Hammer, provide a potential foundation for this new financial order.

The GCR envisions a world where currencies are backed by tangible assets like gold, rather than fiat money. The hidden wealth in off-ledger accounts, estimated to be in the trillions and possibly quadrillions (in today’s dollars), offers the necessary collateral to support this RV/GCR shift.

By repurposing these assets, a more stable financial system could emerge, addressing many of the issues inherent in the current fiat-based model.

Challenges and Delays

Despite the potential benefits, the implementation of the GCR faces significant challenges and delays.

Fraudulent claims to many trusts, funds, and trading platform accounts associated with off-ledger gold complicate efforts to mobilize the funds for the GCR. Over the past 15 years, numerous individuals and entities have falsely claimed to be the rightful heirs to these assets.

Another major challenge is the sheer secrecy and complexity of the off-ledger financial system. The hidden nature of these assets makes it difficult to identify, verify, and repurpose them for the GCR.

Additionally, the vested interests of powerful financial institutions and global Banksters who benefit from the current system pose formidable barriers to change.

Humanitarian Role of Off-Ledger Gold in GCR

Off-ledger gold trading platforms offer a template for the GCR.

These platforms have demonstrated how gold and other valuable assets can be used as collateral to generate significant financial resources. By leveraging these assets in a transparent and accountable manner, the GCR will create a more stable and equitable financial system.

One critical element of the GCR is ensuring that the repurposed assets are used for the benefit of humanity.

This involves not only stabilizing global currencies but also funding essential projects and initiatives that address social, economic, and environmental challenges.

The mechanisms and strategies developed through off-ledger trading platforms like Project Hammer provide valuable insights into how this could be achieved.

The Bottom Line

The hidden wealth from historical operations like Golden Lily and the strategic management of off-ledger gold through secret funds like the Black Eagle Trust and global trading platforms highlight the potential for a gold-backed RV/GCR.

While the challenges are formidable, the successful implementation of a GCR could transform the global financial landscape, creating a more stable and equitable system anchored in tangible value.