What you are about to read is, by far, not a comprehensive account of the complete RV/GCR tapestry.
Nor is it intended to be.
While we are accustomed to using the acronym RV/GCR (Revaluations/Global Currency Reset), the acronym is actually backwards. It would be more accurate to type GCR/RV since the revaluations of currencies are a sub-function of the Global Currency Reset itself.
Taken even further, the GCR is a sub-function of a Global Financial Reset (GFR).
The article series to follow is focused on the GFR/GCR and not the Revaluation of Currencies (RV), yet they go hand in hand.
The origins of Our GCR have an interesting, if not compelling story to tell regarding its overall purpose and foundational structure.
At the heart of this epic plan stand the Dynastic Dragon Families, a coalition of Bloodline Principals and Trustees from across Asia. They represent China, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
While it may come off reading like a creative fiction worthy of an epic, big-budget movie, it also remains logically plausible given the mission, resources, and achievability within today’s financially interconnected world.
Besides, how could the plan and components for a complete makeover of the failing Fiat Currency Debt System not be made of the stuff that stirs our hearts and souls.
So, let’s begin…
The Royal/Dragon Families: Guardians of the World’s Wealth
The revelation of a Global Currency Reset (GCR) emerged at a pivotal time in our financial history.
Across the globe, nations grapple with unprecedented economic challenges. These range from ballooning debts to the instability of fiat currencies, which lack tangible backing.
In response, a transformative proposal surfaces, promising a radical overhaul of the global financial system. This plan, rooted in the wealth of a secretive alliance known as the “Elder/Royal Families,” aims to reset the monetary landscape.
This is a key element of the GCR, setting the stage for an exploration of humanity’s shift towards a more stable and equitable economic framework.
At the heart of this epic plan stand the Dynastic Dragon Families, a coalition of Bloodline Principals and Trustees from across Asia. They represent China, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
These stewards hold the keys to the largest gold reserves not listed in any public record. Known as “Off-Ledger Gold,” this treasure is more than a myth; it’s a vast repository of wealth, shrouded in secrecy and history.
See also: GCR Origins (Part 2): Project Hammer’s Secret Trading Platforms for WW2 Off-Ledger Gold
It is reported that the foundation of the Elders traces back to The Kong Family Bloodline, and the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius (Kongzi), born in 551 B.C.
Confucius laid the philosophical foundations for what would become a system of thought and ethics that has profoundly shaped Chinese society and beyond for over two and a half millennia.
Confucius, the progenitor of the Kong family, represents a lineage that has continued unbroken to the present day and recognized as the longest family tree in history.
The King David Trust is said to represent an amalgamation of European Royal Bloodlines (but not all of them) who support the deployment of their inherited wealth for the benefit of humanity and economic prosperity.
On the Royal Families side, the Lurie family, distinguished by its claim to one of the oldest bloodlines in the world, traces its origins back to the biblical King David, who is said to have united the tribes of Israel and ruled in the 10th century BCE.
The Lurie bloodline originated in the ancient Levant area, historically, the region along the eastern Mediterranean shores, roughly corresponding to modern-day Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and certain adjacent areas.
The Lurie family’s lineage is well-documented from the 13th century in France, where they emerged as a prominent Ashkenazi Jewish family. The name “Lurie” itself is believed to derive from the town of Loire, situated along the Rhone River, indicating a geographical origin of the family’s prominence.
The King David Trust is said to represent an amalgamation of European Royal Bloodlines (but not all of them) who support the deployment of their inherited wealth for the benefit of humanity and economic prosperity.
The significance of these gold troves cannot be overstated. They embody not just material wealth but a legacy spanning centuries.
The Elder/Royal Families have amassed this gold over generations, with the intent of using it for the greater good. Their proposition?
To back currencies, relieve debt, and fund humanitarian projects on a global scale.
Their role challenges the current financial paradigm, pushing against the tide of fiat money—a system where currency’s value is not backed by physical commodities but rather the government’s declaration. In advocating for a return to asset-backed currencies, the Elder/Royal Families aim to restore stability and trust in global economics.
This bold vision sets the stage for a confrontation with the entrenched interests of the Western banking cabal, marking a crucial juncture in the quest for financial reform.
Continued in Part 2: Heroes and Cabals in the Secret GCR Currency Revolution