RV/GCR Roadmap

GCR Roadmap 15: US Grows Desperate to Stop Collapse

As the US grows desperate over escalating civil unrest and economic turmoil, the federal government embarks on an extraordinary course of action, implementing extensive social and financial programs as a final, last stand to quell social unrest and prevent a total collapse of the US dollar and the broader fiat financial system. These unprecedented measures include a moratorium, a debt jubilee, and the rollout of a Federal, Universal Basic Income (UBI) aimed at supporting the unemployed, homeless, and lower-income segments of society.

What Will Happen as the US Grows Desperate

  1. Debt Moratorium: The government’s decision to institute a moratorium on personal loans, including automobile loans and primary home mortgages, provides immediate relief to individuals struggling with debt. It prevents a wave of foreclosures and loan defaults, helping stabilize the housing market and protect homeowners.
  2. Debt Jubilee: As the US grows desperate, the implementation of a debt jubilee offers broader debt relief, aiming to alleviate financial burdens for a significant portion of the population. By forgiving certain debts, the federal government foolishly believes it addresses the growing issue of consumer debt and reduces the risk of bank runs and civil unrest.
  3. Universal Basic Income (UBI): The rollout of a Federal, Universal Basic Income (UBI) will be rolled out as a perceived safety net for those who have lost their jobs or are experiencing financial hardship. Government propaganda will claim that basic needs will be met, reducing poverty, providing a source of income for the unemployed, and potentially preventing social unrest. This will create severe, unintended consequences in the form of even more debt.
  4. Last-Ditch Effort: The implementation of these programs underscores the severity of the crisis and the government’s recognition that more conventional policy tools have become inadequate. It represents a last-ditch effort to maintain social stability and prevent a complete collapse of the US dollar. However, funding this massive social welfare regime will only further contribute to the unstoppable collapse of the global financial system.
  5. Debt Burden Intensifies: These massive stimulus programs, while attempting to alleviate immediate social and economic challenges, substantially increase the government’s debt burden. This heightened debt load accelerates the logical conclusion of the “Great Global Fiat Currency Experiment” by pushing the fiat financial system closer to its breaking point.
  6. Monetary System Vulnerability: The increasing reliance on debt-financed stimulus programs reveals the vulnerability of the fiat monetary system. As debt levels surge, and the US grows desperate, questions arise about the sustainability of fiat currencies, especially when their value is eroded by factors such as inflation.
  7. Global Fiat Currency Experiment: The mounting debt and the extraordinary measures taken in response to the crisis serve to hasten the logical conclusion of the “Great Global Fiat Currency Experiment.” This experiment, marked by the widespread use of fiat currencies not backed by physical assets like gold, faces increasing scrutiny and challenges.
  8. Final Fiscal Implications: As the US grows desperate, the implementation of unprecedented welfare programs carry significant fiscal implications. By taking on even more catastrophic debt trying to fund and maintain financial order. Managing this debt and addressing its dire consequences becomes the primary catalyst driving public demand for a new financial structure alternative – a replacement and reset of the fiat currency system.

In summary, as the US grows desperate, the federal government’s extensive stimulus programs, including the moratorium, debt jubilee, and UBI, represent a final attempt to address social unrest, avert a total collapse of the US dollar, and delay the inevitable reckoning of the fiat financial system. These measures, while aimed at immediate relief and economic stimulus, raise profound questions about the sustainability of fiat currencies and the stability of the global financial system as a whole.

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