Secret Playbook: How the Deep State Keeps Us Under Control


How Manufactured Crises Maintain Their Power and Prevent Real Change

Americans are more divided than ever by partisan politics and ideologies.

Yet, despite the fervor, nothing culturally significant to our political views ever truly changes, no matter which party is in power. This stagnation is because no publicly elected official possesses the real power to effect meaningful change.

The true power holders, the elite central planners and Banksters, operate behind the scenes, never seen in the public eye and never elected “By the People and For the People.”

Their grip on humanity remains unchallenged as the Deep State ensures that any real, beneficial change that threatens their wealth and power is swiftly quashed.

The Deep State’s primary tools for maintaining the status quo are distraction, diversion, and subterfuge.

By keeping Americans and humanity at large focused on fighting each other over various issues, we unwittingly aid the Deep State’s agenda.

Slowly but surely, we allow our innate rights, liberties, and freedoms to be stripped away before our eyes.

Instead of identifying and targeting the true Puppet Masters controlling our lives, we engage in futile battles against political puppets and each other. This cycle has persisted for decades, and we still haven’t learned a thing.

In This Article
  • The Deep State’s Role in Political Manipulation
  • Manufactured Crises: A Historical and Modern Perspective
  • The Illusion of Partisan Politics
  • Steps Toward Real Change

American society is more divided than ever, with partisan politics fueling constant conflict. Despite the fervor, significant cultural and political change remains elusive.

This article examines into how the Deep State perpetuates this cycle, using distraction and division to maintain control, and why elected officials hold little real power.

The Deep State’s Role in Political Manipulation

The Deep State, an entrenched network of elite central planners and financial interests, wields the true power in America.

Publicly elected officials, regardless of party affiliation, serve as mere figureheads in a carefully orchestrated drama. This political theater distracts the populace from the underlying forces that shape policies and societal norms.

By keeping the public focused on superficial battles, the Deep State ensures its continued dominance and prevents any threats to its wealth and power.

Manufactured Crises: A Historical and Modern Perspective

Today’s political landscape is rife with engineered events designed to distract and control. Assassination attempts, sudden electoral withdrawals, and judicial failures are all part of a controlled chaos that keeps the public in a state of confusion and fear, making them easier to manipulate.

The Illusion of Partisan Politics

Partisan politics serve as the perfect distraction. While the public is engrossed in debates over hot-button issues like abortion, healthcare, and immigration, the Deep State quietly ensures that the underlying power structures remain untouched.

This illusion of choice and change prevents real progress. Regardless of who occupies the White House, the policies that truly matter—those that protect the interests of the elite—remain steadfastly in place.

Steps Toward Real Change

True change requires a shift in focus from the puppets to the puppet masters. Recognizing the manipulation at play is the first step.

The public must move beyond partisan divisions and unite against the real forces controlling their lives. This involves a concerted effort to expose the Deep State’s influence and demand accountability.

In the meantime, here just a few facts of what’s going on in America, right under our noses:

  1. Princeton Study on Oligarchy: The United States functions as an oligarchy, where economic elites and business groups have substantial impacts on government policy.
  2. Jailing for Nonviolent Crimes: Despite low violent crime rates, Americans are increasingly jailed for nonviolent offenses.
  3. Overcriminalization: The average American unknowingly commits three felonies a day due to an excess of federal laws and regulations.
  4. Poverty and Inequality: Significant portions of taxpayer money are wasted on ineffective programs, despite widespread poverty and food insecurity.
  5. War on Terror Costs: Since 2001, the U.S. has spent $93 million every hour on the war on terror.
  6. Children with Incarcerated Parents: Five million children have experienced a parent in prison due to factors like overcriminalization and aggressive policing.
  7. Faith in Military and Police: Americans trust the military and police more than any branch of government.
  8. Police Violence: Hundreds of innocent people are killed by police annually, and Americans are more likely to die in police confrontations than terrorist attacks.
  9. SWAT Raids: Over 100 homes are raided by SWAT teams daily, often for minor warrant services.
  10. Surveillance State: The U.S. has developed a pervasive surveillance state that operates beyond presidential, congressional, or judicial control.
  11. Public Ignorance: Many Americans are unaware of basic government functions and constitutional rights.
  12. Lack of Accountability: Few Americans know they have a constitutional right to hold the government accountable for wrongdoing.

The Bottom Line

Political theater is a strategic tool used by the Deep State to maintain its grip on power. By perpetuating partisan conflicts and manufacturing crises, they ensure the public remains distracted and divided. Real change requires recognizing this manipulation and focusing on the true sources of power.

Only by uniting against the puppet masters can the public hope to reclaim their freedoms and effect meaningful change.

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