In the unfolding tragedy of America’s debt-based financial turmoil, the escalating national debt, surpassing $34 trillion on December 29th (2023), serves as a compelling precursor to the imminent Global Financial Reset (GFR).
As the U.S. hurtles towards insolvency, the RV/GCR thesis gains further validation, emphasizing the necessity of a new financial system grounded in tangible assets like gold, oil, and energy.
The real issue lies in a government spending problem, not a revenue shortfall. This echoes the core argument of the Global Currency Reset (GCR) thesis — the need for a fundamental reset of financial structures.
Alarming Debt Trends and the Global Financial Reset
The current national debt, soaring to nearly 100% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), echoes the key tenets of the Great Global Fiat Debt Currency System Experiment reaching its logical conclusion.
The trajectory projecting a staggering 125%% debt-to-GDP ratio by 2030 reinforces the urgency for a paradigm shift, aligning with the principles of the impending Global Financial Reset.

Autopilot to a Financial Shift
The autopilot nature of the U.S. government’s spending trajectory, particularly the surge in mandatory spending to 71% of federal outlays, underscores the inherent flaws of the fiat financial system.
In the context of the RV/GCR narrative, this dysfunctional trajectory reinforces the need for a reset anchored in hard assets, disentangling from the unsustainable debt load inherent in the current fiat system.
Government Spending Problem: A Catalyst for a Global Financial Reset
While Washington grapples with the consequences of skyrocketing deficits, the real issue lies in a spending problem, not a revenue shortfall. This echoes the core argument of the Global Currency Reset (GCR) thesis — the need for a fundamental reset of financial structures.
The distraction caused by out-of-control discretionary spending veils the imperative to address mandatory spending reduction and align the nation’s fiscal policies with the “sound money” principles of the impending GFR.
Tackling the Third Rail with Global Implications
Confronting the sacred cows of American politics, namely Social Security and Medicare, is not just a domestic policy challenge but a global economic necessity.
The accusations of economic catastrophe from many lawmakers reflect the entrenched resistance to systemic spending change, hindering the transition towards our envisioned global financial and currency reset infrastructure.
The Global Time Bomb
As the U.S. approaches fiscal calamity, the imperative for the Global Financial Reset becomes clearer.
Social Security and Medicare’s trust funds on borrowed time serve as a global time bomb, demanding urgent intervention not just for America but for the health and prosperity of the international financial system itself.
The deafening political posturing obscures the fact that the impending explosion of this global time bomb could be the catalyst for the transformative shift envisioned in our RV/GCR outlook.
The clock is ticking, and the urgency for a Global Financial Reset has never been more evident.