The Global Elite's plan to take everything from everyone.

The Great Taking: The Global Elite’s Plan to Take Everything from Everyone


Exposing the hidden financial end game where Central Planners take everything during a global fiat system collapse.

The book “The Great Taking” by David Webb is a crucial exposé revealing the imminent threat to our financial system. Webb’s work sheds light on the systematic and covert attempts to strip humanity of its material and immaterial wealth, signaling a monumental financial collapse.

Webb urges readers to recognize and confront the evil orchestrating this global crisis. His stark warning is that ignorance is no longer an option…

I strongly recommend reading this book. Here are the essential insights of Webb’s work, underscoring the urgency of his message.

Unprecedented Seizure of Wealth

At the heart of “The Great Taking” lies the concept of a globally synchronized debt accumulation cycle. Webb reveals a meticulously planned scheme to seize all financial assets, including money in banks, stocks, bonds, and properties. This planned conquest, if partly successful, could mark the most extensive subjugation in history.

The Hybrid War of Deception

Webb paints a picture of a hybrid war waged through deception. This war targets humanity, not nations. Its aim is not territorial conquest but the total control of financial and personal assets.

This strategy of division, confusion, and fear manipulates public perception and narrative, leading to widespread acquiescence.

Persuasive Evidence

Webb’s book presents compelling evidence pointing towards a meticulously orchestrated financial downfall. He argues for the establishment of a ‘court of human justice’ to hold accountable those responsible for this planned economic collapse.

Webb’s work is not just an analysis; it’s a call to action against those orchestrating this grand scheme.

The Great Reset: A Cloaked Agenda

Webb identifies the so-called ‘Great Reset’ as a facade for the planned collapse of the global economy. His research reveals a consistent strategy to enrich the powerful while impoverishing the masses.

This cycle has been repeated through history, leading to the current crisis point.

The Dematerialization of Securities

A key aspect of this scheme is the dematerialization of securities. Webb suggests that this move, from paper-based to electronic systems, was a calculated step towards the eventual confiscation of assets. This transformation has effectively nullified property rights to securities globally.

The Looming Financial Implosion

Webb warns of an impending financial implosion, orchestrated and manipulated by those in power. He likens the current financial situation to pushing on a string – a point of no return where further monetary creation will not stimulate growth. This impending collapse, according to Webb, is the culmination of a long-planned financial strategy.

The Urgent Need to Understand

In conclusion, Webb urges readers to recognize and confront the evil orchestrating this global crisis. His stark warning is that ignorance is no longer an option, and understanding the depth of this planned collapse is crucial for survival.

A Wake-Up Call

“The Great Taking” by David Webb is more than a book; it’s a wake-up call. It challenges us to see beyond the facade of economic stability and recognize the impending financial catastrophe. It’s a compelling read, not only for its insights but for the urgent call to awareness and action it represents. As Webb asserts, this is a battle not just for economic stability, but for the very essence of humanity.

Read or download the PDF book for free here:

Watch the documentary here: