After 51 Years the Global Fiat Currency System is Due for a Grand Reset

Never in history has the entire world operated under unified fiat currency system. No human civilization that implemented a fiat currency survived longer than 50 years after doing so. They all collapsed under the runaway debt and corruption that comes with fiat currency regimes.

The current global fiat system is now 51 years old and a reset is definitely coming. It’s simple math. When massive debt can no longer be maintained (paid for) by GDP revenues, it collapses in a grand crescendo. ☘️☘️☘️


In 1944, the Bretton Woods system was created, which fixed the value of various currencies to the U.S. dollar. It was convertible to gold at a fixed rate to bring stability after the Great Depression and World War II.

After that,

In 1973, a new system based on freely floating fiat currencies replaced the Bretton Woods system for other global currencies​.

In August,

We will learn about BRICS, discussing the feasibility of introducing a common currency.

They have been discussing backing this common currency with gold and other commodities, which could potentially shield them from sanctions from the West.

On average international monetary systems last about 35 to 40 years before you have a reset.

The current system is in year 51.

Global debt currently stands at $305 trillion, and total debt in emerging markets hit a new record high of more than $100 trillion, around 250% of GDP.

We are living in very transformational times.

Source: GoldTelegraph via Twitter

5 responses to “After 51 Years the Global Fiat Currency System is Due for a Grand Reset”

  1. Can you explain why dolar to oil,silver,gold ratios are zero?
    Few months ago there was some mumbers,it just raises questions why they gave zeros there,something brewing with that commodities ?

    • I have no idea what their technical glitch is. It’s been showing that for quite a while now. I wouldn’t read into that too much. It’s a non-profit designation, privately owned. There could be many reasons. But it’s not a secret GCR harbinger as some say. Perhaps they have to pay for that data feed, who knows.